
To the thousands of people who were fortunate to know and learn from Reb Shlomo Freifeld זצ׳ל, he was the quintessential teacher of Judaism. No matter the background, he saw and understood each individual as a being created by G-d, possessing unlimited potential for spiritual growth. Combining his keen perception and the power of Torah, he taught with his incomparable speaking style the skills of harnessing one’s individuality to fulfill each person’s unique divine personal mission.

The  recordings of lectures and recollections of his relationship with students as retold by the posted articles are but a glimpse into the giant stature of his ability to connect with, uplift and cultivate every person through lessons of Torah wisdom. His illuminating message of thirty years ago shines even stronger today in the darkness of our generation.


Newly Published

Just released in time for the 30th Yarzheit, a collection of 80 lectures

Purchase Rabbi Freifeld Collection on USB drive for $39.99 + $5 shipping (Total: $44.99)

containing Collection of 80 Lectures

previously issued 50 Lectures (Volumes 1 – 5)

and 30 NEW Unpublished Lectures

plus BONUS 2 Hours of Live Campfire Music

Accompanied by a complete listing of each recording’s title to help easily identify tracks to listen to. Click on thumbnail picture below to view:

Table of Contents


Recorded lectures given to different audiences have been masterfully edited and digitized for optimal listening. They include topical shiurim given in yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv, impromptu (Question & Answer) sessions with yeshiva bachurim and summer campfires at the Neoth Desheh  bungalow colony, shmuzim to the kehilla’s men and women at melave malka and rosh chodesh seudah, pre-Yom Tov talks at private homes, etc.

Sample excerpt recording:

Listen to entire recording of “Daas – Richness-of-Intelligence” (Volume III):